Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Spitters are NOT Quitters

"If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide." -Gandhi 1928

So I'm sitting here in the COMFORT of my mothers living room, beyond annoyed waiting for my coffee to finish brewing.  
I have extreme PMS; the kind that turns you into a raging bitch. No not really towards others. Not me at least... Well.. Not that I'm aware of... But the type that puts a huge magnifying glass on all things annoying. All things going wrong and all the changes in my life that I STILL CANNOT ADJUST TO (and really doubt I ever will).
On to the point of this post,  just so we’re all crystal clear. Sinnergyx World was created three years ago or I guess now four? (2010), for nobody other than ME. It was an outlet for me to vent and spew whatever bullshit I felt. MY cathartic experience that people decided they were interested in following up on…..
There is no need for any more comments regarding grammatical errors….THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT. It’s a genuine depiction of the constant flow of thoughts in my head…one giant run-on sentence that is written fast and furiously reflecting my current mood. THIS ISN’T BEING GRADED….THIS IS ME BEING REAL. Not that there needs to be any explaining to the randoms who have such little of a life that they feel the need to voice such a useless opinion, I am more than capable of writing proper English.
Now, if you’ll excuse me-my black cinnamon coffee is ready and I must get ready and comfortable to watch this EXCITING episode of The Bachelor  so I can laugh at these silly humans and relax, so that I am ready for another hectic and annoying day tomorrow.
But soon, SOON I will have my life back...
I will surely again TAKE OVER THE WORLD   >;-}
Nighty night.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Quick at home work out

Warm up:

  • Jump rope or Jumping Jax for about 5 minutes
  • 20 Reps Burpees
  • 100 Reps Mountain Climbers 


  • Push up/ Burpee to failure 15 reps
  • Chair Dips/ Jumping Jax 2 minutes 
  • DB Curl (20 lbs each arm) to lunge/ mountain climber to failure 50 reps 
  • Bicycle abs / jumping Jax to failure 2 minutes