I find it amazing how you can sometimes get lost in someone else's company. I call that BEING IN THE MOMENT! It's those ahaaa moments that are just absolutely priceless. It's when you live in the moment, truly present in whatever is currently going on in front of you that you experience true happiness. Consciously putting yourself in that present state of mind is something that takes constant practice. In 2013, I invite you to be present in your life. Allow yourself to be your own focus. Too many folks spend their days figuring out how to fix others, never realizing that they are the problem. They need the help, the guidance, the peace and tranquility they perceive others to need. Self-honesty is the key to peace and tranquility.
I also find it amazing when I look around sometimes and observe the world moving so fast and I see everyone around me looking like robots. Sometimes we forget to STOP, look up, take a deep breathe, and enjoy the moment, the second. I think that's why I have gravitated so much to kundalini yoga because it allows me to get in true contact with myself through my breath.
Now that I write this it seems so simple to write yet so challenging to do. SLOWING DOWN seems like a difficult task in today's world. I don't mean slowing down your productivity, I mean slowing down your mind. You can and will be more productive when your thoughts exude balance, love, and tranquility. You will come more from a place of being centered. I am beginning to write things down because if not I forget them. My mind travels and moves so quickly at times that I must create a structure that works for me and that is writing things down, making a note in my phone, or recording a voice memo for myself! Sometimes in my voice memo's I record messages to myself as a reminder that it begins with ME! If I am not OK how will I possibly be OK with others?
So this New Year I challenge you to keep the focus on yourself. Many hear that and say "Oh well how selfish!" NO. Beginning with you means becoming willing to look at your entire self inside and out and say "I am a work in progress. I will love me so therefore I can love my kids, husband, or spouse better. I will embrace my flaws and defects and overall take the steps I can right now to improve as a person on a daily basis." Be aware of your behavior, your actions, and your words for they are all powerful tools you can use to create the life of your dreams.
Life is an adventure. Problems only arise when we disconnect from our source, our higher power, God! Some get weird with the word God. So you can reference him as the Universe, Buddha, the Divine or whatever he might be to you. Connect with him and remember he is guiding your path.
They say "if you want to make God laugh tell him your plans", he is in charge at the end of the day. I love that he also gives us free will to live, make choices, make mistakes and learn lessons even though sometimes the lessons are hard but not unbearable. He will never give you anything you can't handle.
So my question is what do you want to improve on in 2013? How will this year be different for you than last year? What new habits will you be creating? What old habits are you letting go of? (Sometimes when you see your answers on paper and read your own writing it provides clarity for you.
I encourage you go journal your answers and keep them somewhere only you can see them.)
We have a lot of work to do this year.
Cheers to an incredible 2013